Randey submitted his survey after the cutoff time so his responses were not included in the first publication.
How will you ensure a project or projects benefiting Peachland’s watershed receives provincial attention and funding?
I plan to join PWPA
How would you make this happen?
I’ve contacted PWPA members already, Taryn Skalbania, Yvette Moore, to obtain info and get up to speed. I intend to visit the watershed first hand and get actively involved in attempts to expand Peachlands boundaries to include the watershed and to take steps to reduce logging there
Explain how you would implement this or why you would not.
I think we have to look at how this done elsewhere in the province first, to see what the accepted practice is
What additions would you suggest to this second request letter, considering clear cutting has continued for the intervening three-plus years and still further road building and tree removal are planned?
I would ask for a moratorium on clear cutting until water capacity and clarity can be raified in the watershed