Be sure to pick very ripe berries. You can tell by the color. Deep red almost purple. You can find Chokecherry bushes everywhere in the Okanagan especially along the waterways. THEY ARE ORGANIC AND FREE.
Clean picked berries. Remove stems and leaves.
Put whole berries in a pot. Add enough water to keep from burning (about 2 cups).
Start to boil. Cover and turn down heat to minimum. Steam for at least 1 hour. Remove from heat. Strain through jelly bag overnight.
Measure 5 cups berry juice into large heavy pot. Add juice of I lemon and 2 cups sugar. Boil on medium heat until reading on thermometer is 230 C.
Pour into sterilized jars and lids. Makes approximately 6 pints. Process in hot water bath for 10 minutes to insure proper sealing. Will keep for at least a year.
This method retains the true flavor of a local organic fruit. Once you’ve tasted this product you‘ll be hooked! I am always looking for more bushes.