Each year, outstanding Peachland residents are recognized for their service through the “Spirit of Peachland Civic Awards”. PWPA volunteer extraordinaire, Val McGillivray has been nominated and PWPA was delighted to write a letter of support to endorse her tireless and numerous contributions to our community and all she does for PWPA. Here’s PWPA’s letter of support:
March 5, 2020
RE: Nomination and support for Valerie MacGillivray, Unsung Hero, 2020
Dear 2020 Civic Awards Committee,
On behalf of the Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance, I would like to submit this
letter in support of the nomination of Valerie MacGillivray for the honour of Peachland’s
Unsung Hero Award, 2020.
Valerie exemplifies the volunteer spirit that lives and thrives in Peachland. She is
involved in numerous community organizations and can always be found, not just
seated at a board of directors table, but in the kitchen of the Community Centre, the
Little School House and the 50+ Centre preparing the food for a variety of events
throughout the year.
She has developed a reputation as a willing and tireless worker. Valerie is recognized
by many citizens of Peachland because she is often the first person to arrive for an
event, ensuring that facility is open and ready to receive the participants and the last to
leave when all the dishes are clean and put away in their proper places.
Best of all Val can be counted on to do what she says she is going to do, a valuable
attribute for any volunteer for any organization. She is definitely an Unsung Hero in
Peachland and richly deserves this honour and award.
Alison Moore,
Board or Directors, Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance.