May 15, 2020
The Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance (PWPA) is a community organization dedicated to protecting the source of Peachland’s drinking water. We take protecting our water and our community seriously and with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have changed how we operate to ensure we conform with all BC Public Health orders, and provincial and District guidelines to keep everyone safe.
The PWPA board and committee meetings are now conducted by video conferencing, and any in-person meetings respect all social distancing measures. Major group events for the time being, have been suspended until it is safe to gather once again.
As new guidance from BC Public Health is announced, PWPA will re-evaluate our operations, programming and events for 2020, in consideration of any new information that is forthcoming. In all cases we will follow all provincial health orders to ensure our members, volunteers, and their families stay healthy.
Going forward, PWPA will be making more use of our website and our new email newsletter to communicate with you and our community at large, about news, events and activities relevant to our watershed.
While enjoying recreation in the watershed, if you notice anything of concern such as dumped garbage, earth runoff and slides, questionable forestry practices, or anything else you think might affect the sustainability of our water supply, please take pictures and/or contact John Youngblut, PWPA’s Forest Watch Coordinator at 778-363-7822.
If you have questions or concerns please contact our co-chair, / 250-767-0087.
For additional reading on pandemics and the environment, here is a good article for you:
Thank you again for joining the effort to protect our watershed, which provides us with fresh water, in the right amount at the right time.