Like other organizations everywhere, COVID-19 has affected PWPA. Our events have been mostly curtailed, and so our ability to reach out to our community has also been limited.
This has created some opportunities however.
Our communications committee has expanded and we are looking for a couple of members who are story-tellers and love to write. You\’d be creating stories and articles for this newsletter as well as for our expanded social media presence. Working with the existing committee, you\’d meet either outdoors at a socially distanced location; or via email and phone calls to plan, write, and review articles for PWPA. This commitment is approximately a minimum of 2 hours per month, but can be more depending on how much you like to write! Email us if you\’d like more information.
We\’re also looking for an avid outdoors person who is up in the watershed hiking, hunting, biking etc. on a fairly regular basis to be our Watershed Watch committee chairperson. You\’re role would be to keep PWPA informed of any suspect logging practices, washouts, garbage dumping, illegal camping, etc. The commitment beyond your activities in the watershed is about 3 hours per month and you\’d participate in the Board and member meetings each month. If it\’s you, or if you know any one who would love to be the \”eyes of PWPA\” in the forest, email us if you\’d like more information.