January 20, 2022
If you are new to PWPA, the board or just unable to keep abreast, here is smattering of some of the MEDIA and IN PERSON OUTREACH achieved by PWPA in 2021. What’s most remarkable is the variety; from television, to international publications, mainstream media, independent journalism, local newspapers, in-person advocacy and community relationship building.
PWPA Communications Chair questions lack of information and community involvement in government and industry decision in our watershed
Journalist and Photographer from Patagonia’s environmental branch ski tour Peachland watershed, lead by director Corey Sutton, interviews by local trappers, Fenton family and PWPA director Taryn Skalbania. Read about the skiiers\’ experience here – in the Worst Traverse. (10 minute read)
Article and Video linking clear cut forestry and floods, Grand Forks and Peachland are focus, PWPA interviewed
Interview with PWPA Outreach director, Taryn Skalbania, on links between clear cut logging and November province wide mass flooding
Article covering expert and community voices linking the November floods and extreme peak flows to clear cut forestry, PWPA interviewed
Opinion Piece by PWPA’s Taryn Skalbania, logging’s remedy for wildfires will only make them worse.
PWPA Outreach raises concerns over removal of natural flood defenses
A community point of view on necessary reforms for forestry; some conservationists resort to protesting
Corey Sutton traverses with Patagonia- THE WORST TRAVERSE
- District of Peachland COTW Nov 23 website presentation study what to do with municipal properties
https://video.isilive.ca/peachland/2021-11-23COTW.mp4.html - Facebook–https://www.facebook.com/PeachlandWatershedProtectionAlliance
you do not have to be a member of any Facebook site or have your own to visit, view and read PWPA\’s fb, it will keep you up to date with its daily postings between newsletters. 725 members - Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/peachlandwpa/?hl=en
Ditto! view and help share all PWPA Instagram posts - EVERGREEN ALLIANCE, REGISTER TO THISrobust, informative forestry reform website and alliance with like minded partners. This is the one-stop library of all thing’s forestry reform, it will help PWPA navigate the forestry issues in our watershed. https://www.evergreenalliance.ca
- OUR WATER BC VIDEO –PWPA members share their WINS for 2021 https://youtu.be/NVDC6k9BULE
- Subscribe to our new You Tube Channel – it\’s free!