PWPA Organizes Peachland’s Forest March for 2020
Friday September 18 was a province-wide day of action for watershed and forest defenders in British Columbia. The objective was to make our collective voices heard and to promote a new forest framework – a new way of doing logging that provides many more benefits than the current system.
Our March in Peachland was a great success – we were close to our maximum attendance of 50, to comply with provincial COVID-19 orders, and our speakers and performers provided “from the heart” stories about their connections to our watershed, and why the industry of logging must change.
The photos tell the story of our march. Read more about the forest framework and how it will create better forestry jobs, protect, and enhance our watershed, and provide a resilient economy for communities including Peachland.
Forest March next steps:
The Forest March team held a Zoom meeting on Thursday September 24 for those who had ideas for action.
The purpose of this meeting was to begin to connect people who are ready to launch something with those who want to help. There are many lanes to activism and different types of ideas and skills are welcome. If you have something ready and would like to ask for help with it, contact the FOREST MARCH team at