Barb Haley, Watershed Watch Chair

Seriously! There goes the neighborhood!
Date: December 02, 2024 @0900am
Area: Glen Lake Area
Temperature: +2C
Weather: Overcast
Visibility: Perfect
Conditions: Wintery!
Observations: Continuously disappointed with the Forestry Industry.
The day before when we were heading out for an adventure, I saw 4 fully loaded logging trucks!
One of which I had the great luck to encounter on the Peachland Creek crossing after turning off Brenda Mines Road, where it narrows to pretty much a single lane.
He was coming up heading to Peachland and I crossed his path on the way down. I relented and back up the road almost to the intersection of Brenda Mines Road.
The trucker immediately stopped the truck, threw the parking brake and exited his truck.
He was ever so kind in his unsolicited offering of a driving lesson “How To Give Way to a Logging Truck on a Single Lane Road” followed by a brief video of “What Not to DO”. For my benefit and education and his self importance, I politely thanked him for his tutorial on professional driving, as my skills were no match in comparsion to his.
What he didn’t know, is that I didn’t think he belonged there…..