Barb Haley, Watershed Watch Chair
My Observations
Date: August 27, 2024 @1300pm
Area: Munroe FSR, North side of Eneas Creek
Temperature: 19C
Weather: Gorgeous day
Visibility: Perfect
Conditions: Sun was nice and warm, wind was strong
Observations: Many chipmonks harrassed this afternoon….We explored this road on the other side of Eneas Creek.
I wish there was a way to make these pictures “scratch and sniff” ….I just LOVE the smell of the pine trees on the warm breeze!
The pictures show just how resilient the pine trees are during a forest fire! These beauties still bear their scars from the Eneas Fire, you can see how the fires travelled so fast up the mountain side. The area now is filled with grasses and small shrubbery. I am sure that I could count all the fir trees on on hand as the majority of the trees were all pines.
The soil on this side of the mountain is quite rocky, loose and sandy, surprisingly dry despite the recent cool weather and rain we’ve finally had.