Barb Haley, Watershed Watch Chair

My Observations
Date: August 27, 2024 @1300pm
Area: Some sort of old road on the north side of Eneas Creek
Temperature: 26C
Weather: Gorgeous day
Visibility: Perfect
Conditions: Humid but lovely
Observations: So the gang and i cruised up the Bolivar Road to a trail that I noticed (existing moto trail) that I checked out long ago, but never got all the way down to the creek.
Today was that day! The trail appears to be some sort of very old access road starting in a cut block from when the Bolivar Spur was constructed, but quickly led down the mountain side within a beautiful mixed foerst! I thought that maybe this road was orignally made from and early logging adventure, but I could not find any evidence of stumps from that time. The forest was well mixed with assorted trees (deciduous, firs, pines) and many shubs and understory. Some areas looked kind of overgrown with lots of old dead fall and snags. We passed through sections that were drier and more open, and other sections that were damp and very lush – especially as we neared the creek. I really wanted to check out Peachland Creek up here, to get an idea of what it looks like this far upstream. And I needed the walk, very theraputic and cathartic.
Lots of really cool things to see! Didn’t see much for wildlife other than one Grouse (who successfully stayed hidden for 3 dogs, but fluttered off as I passed) and 1 squirrel (that the doggos also missed!). But I did hear a clamor of birds in the canopy, a bunch of squirrels and an eagle.